We found 10 episodes of Sudo Show with the tag “technology”.
11: Managing Linux Desktops At Scale with Noah Chelliah
October 29th, 2020 | 59 mins 18 secs
agile, altispeed, ask noah show, bitwarden, brandon johnson, career, cloud, devops, digital ocean, droplet, enterprise, eric the it guy, gitlab, it, it guy, itguyeric, linux delta, nextcloud, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, proton mail, red hat, seafile, self hosted, sudo show, technology
In this episode, we bring in a special guest, Noah Chelliah, of the Ask Noah Show. The three of us pick up where last week's episode left off. The three of us take a look at managing Linux desktops at scale. Why choose Linux? How do you migrate? How do you train your staff? All that and more on the Sudo Show!
10: Open Source Workstations
October 15th, 2020 | 34 mins 35 secs
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, crossover, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, fedora, hamster, it, it guy, itguyeric, lenovo, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, sudo show, technology, wine
This week, Brandon sits down on the therapy couch as we take a look back at organizations that we've been apart of over the course of our careers. We look at how they have migrated their entire workflows to Open Source. We discuss some lessons learned, stop by the productivity corner, all that and more on Episode 10 of the Sudo Show!
9: Introduction to Storage Technologies
October 8th, 2020 | 19 mins 45 secs
agile, ama, ask me anything, ask noah, ask noah show, brandon johnson, career, ceph, cloud, destination linux, destination linux network, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, gluster, it, it guy, itguyeric, nas, obs, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, python, red hat, san, sudo show, technology
After our AMA was done, a small group of intrepid technologists stuck around to discuss storage! It was such a great conversation, we decided to release an extra episode! Also check out the conferences we recommend, introduction of a new media partner, and some cool updates to the Sudo Show and the Destination Linux Network.
8: Ask Me Anything
October 1st, 2020 | 37 mins 51 secs
agile, ama, ask me anything, ask noah, ask noah show, brandon johnson, career, cloud, destination linux, destination linux network, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, home assistant, it, it guy, itguyeric, obs, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, server monkey, sudo show, technology
Once upon a time, Brandon and Eric sat down with a live audience via video conference and hosted our first ever Ask Me Anything meetup. Catch up on all the action as folks joined us on live and asked us...anything.
7: Looking at GitLab
September 17th, 2020 | 42 mins 46 secs
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, gitlab, gnome, greg myers, it, it guy, itguyeric, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, remote, sudo show, technology
Brandon and Eric are joined by Greg Myers, a Support Engineer at GitLab. In this interivew, our hosts discuss what it means to be an application for the entire DevOps pipeline and what its like to work for a company that believes EVERYTHING should be open source.
6: Elements of Cloud Native
September 3rd, 2020 | 24 mins 3 secs
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, cloud native, containers, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, microservices, mist.io, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, podman, red hat, software architecture, sudo show, technology
We continue our discussion around Cloud Native Architecture. We will cover how applications have evolved in a cloud native world, a bit of history, and how this radical transformation has made application management easier than ever.
5: Cloud Management Tools
August 20th, 2020 | 25 mins 47 secs
agile, aws, azure, brandon johnson, career, cloud, cloudify, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, gcp, google cloud, it, it guy, itguyeric, manageiq, mist, mist.io, open shift, open source, open stack, open tech, open-tech, openshift, opensource, openstack, red hat, sudo show, technology
The guys are excited to start a new series around Open Source Cloud Architecture. Brandon and Eric announce some upcoming content, discuss Cloud Management, and spotlight a few Open Source options for managing your infrastructure.
4: Careers in Technology
August 6th, 2020 | 25 mins 53 secs
agile, ai, ai-ml, brandon johnson, career, careers, certifications, cloud, devops, education, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, sudo show, technology
For this week's episode, Brandon and Eric wrap up our Getting Started series. Join in their conversation about tips to better learning tools and how to advance your career!
3: DevOps and Automation
July 23rd, 2020 | 24 mins 12 secs
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, iac, infrastructure as code, it, it guy, itguyeric, kubernetes, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, sudo show, technology
Now that Eric has finished his big move. He and Brandon sit down to discuss one of the most misunderstood concepts in all of IT, DevOps. What does it mean? How do you use it? And can you actually achieve a state of DevOps?
2: Getting Started with Open Source
July 9th, 2020 | 33 mins 3 secs
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, joplin, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, sudo show, technology, tidelift
This week, Eric and Brandon review some audience feedback, discuss the value of the open source community, how to get connected, and tips to start contributing to your favorite projects.