We found 10 episodes of Sudo Show with the tag “technology”.
31: Data Analytics and Startups with Rick Hall
August 5th, 2021 | 53 mins 59 secs
agile, aginity, amazon, analytics, aws, brandon johnson, career, cloud, devops, enterprise, entrepreneur, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, kairn, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, startup, sudo show, technology
Michael Tunnell from the Destination Linux Network joins Eric to talk to Rick Hall, a life-time entrepreneur and CEO of Aginity. We discuss data analytics and starting your own business.
30: Loving Your Work with Dashaun Carter
July 22nd, 2021 | 1 hr 7 mins
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, devops, devops days, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, redis, sudo show, technology, vmware
DaShaun Carter is a passionate technologist and life-long learner. DaShaun has owned his own business, worked for companies like VMware and Redis...and he loves his job! Join us as we discuss learning, DevOps, home labs, and so much more!
29: Open Source Virtualization
July 8th, 2021 | 54 mins
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, cockpit, devops, docker, enterprise, eric the it guy, fedora, github, hypervisor, it, it guy, itguyeric, kubernetes, kubevirt, kvm, libvirt, logitech, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, openstack, ovirt, proxmox, rancher, rancher harvester, red hat, server monkey, silverblue labs, sudo show, technology, vdi, x11 docker, xcp-ng, xen
In this episode, Eric and Brandon talk about open source hypervisors for managing everything from your home lab to your enterprise data center. Plus, we got some feedback on our VDI episode that led to some pretty cool work done in the community!
28: Security Intelligence with Steve Ginty of RiskIQ
June 24th, 2021 | 43 mins 52 secs
agile, amazon, aws, brandon johnson, career, cloud, colonial pipeline, crypto, crypto-malware, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, exchange, it, it guy, itguyeric, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, ransomeware, red hat, riskiq, security, solarwinds, steve ginty, sudo show, supply chain, technology, zero trust
In this episode, Eric and Brandon talk to Steve Ginty, Director of Threat Intelligence at RiskIQ. They discuss how to collect relavant, actionable intelligence to protect our organizations.
27: Open Source Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
June 10th, 2021 | 53 mins 17 secs
agile, amazon, aws, brandon johnson, career, cloud, devops, enterprise, enterprise uds, eric the it guy, flexvdi, foss, hypervisor, it, it guy, itguyeric, mist, mist.io, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, openuds, ovirt, ravada, red hat, red hat virtualization, rhv, shells.com, spice, sudo hangouts, sudo labs, sudo show, technology, uds, vdi, virtual desktop, winapps, x2go, xcp-ng, xcpng
Eric and Brandon put on their System Administrator hats and dive into the world of open source virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Stay tuned as we announce some upcoming new elements for the Sudo-verse!
26: Effective UIs with Patternfly
May 27th, 2021 | 34 mins 28 secs
accessibility, agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, design, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, patternfly, red hat, sudo show, technology, ui, ux
This episode, we sat down with the team over at PatternFly. We discuss application UI design, the PatternFly toolkit, and how open source makes all the difference.
25: Avoiding Common Pitfalls
May 13th, 2021 | 49 mins 53 secs
agile, ars technica, brandon johnson, career, cloud, david allen, devops, dockpit, enterprise, eric the it guy, front page linux, getting things done, getting things gnome, gnome todo, gtd, hipaa, inoreader, it, it guy, itguyeric, netbox, open source, open tech, open-tech, openscap, opensource, pci, phpipam, planner, pwned, red hat, sudo show, technology, todoist
Eric and Brandon talk about some common mistakes SysAdmins make, share some stories, some of our favorite tips, and news sites we use to stay up to date. Then we visit the Productivity Corner to talk about GTD (Getting Things Done)!
24: Data Quality with Soda
April 29th, 2021 | 39 mins 31 secs
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, data stream, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, kafka, monitoring, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, soda, sudo show, technology
On this episode, we will look at Soda, a data monitoring platform designed to ensure the integrity and fitness of your data right in your application stream.
23: Positioning with Emily Omier
April 15th, 2021 | 41 mins 12 secs
agile, brandon johnson, career, cloud, consulting, devops, diy, emily omier, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, marketing, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, positioning, red hat, sudo show, technical marketing, technology
On this episode, Eric has a chat with Emily Omier, a startup consultant and public speaker. Hear Emily's thoughts positioning, open source, and what bad positioning can do to your community. Plus, get a sneak peak at what the Destination Linux Network is up to!
22: Meet Tidelift
April 1st, 2021 | 54 mins 49 secs
agile, amazon, aws, brandon johnson, career, cloud, developers, devops, enterprise, eric the it guy, it, it guy, itguyeric, jeremy katz, luis villa, monetization, open source, open tech, open-tech, opensource, red hat, sudo show, technology, tidelift
Eric and Brandon are joined by a team from Tidelift, a complete solution for managing open source. We discuss open source, securing code, and Tidelift's unique take on paying developers. All that and more, on this episode of the Sudo Show!