Brandon Johnson has hosted 71 Episodes.
60: Private Cloud Strikes Back
March 9th, 2023 | 1 hr 6 mins
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
The hosts get together to discuss the apparent growth trend of Private Cloud, to us it sounds like a combination of cost savings, Edge computing and getting workloads closer to the user. Let us know what you think in the Tuxdigital forum or join us on Discord.
59: 2022 - Year In Review
January 7th, 2023 | 54 mins 50 secs
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Bill, Brandon, and Neal talk about top of mind topics from 2022 and hopes for 2023.
58: An Open Career
December 15th, 2022 | 36 mins 44 secs
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Bill and Neal hijack the show and turn the tables on Brandon and interview him to get him to tell his story.
57: Open Source Contributions
November 29th, 2022 | 31 mins 47 secs
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Bill, Brandon, and Neal get together to expand on why corporate contributions to open source matter and the unintended benefits or consequences. Make sure to check out Destination Linux 300!
56: Virtualization Revisited
November 11th, 2022 | 32 mins 37 secs
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Bill joins Brandon to talk about Virtualization and Containers
55: Kommercializing Open Source
October 21st, 2022 | 59 mins 31 secs
business, enterprise, kde, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Brandon and Neal have a conversation with Nate Graham about KDE and Plasma as a commercial platform
54: Enterprise Linux Desktop
October 6th, 2022 | 54 mins
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Bill, Neal and Brandon get together to talk about "can you just drop linux in place of windows" on the business/enterprise desktop
53: Multicloud Revisted
June 9th, 2022 | 29 mins 22 secs
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Chris Psaltis from returns to the show. Brandon and Chris have a quick discussion around Multicloud
52: Keeping it RHEL 9
May 26th, 2022 | 48 mins 38 secs
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, red hat, red hat summit, rhel, rhel9, software, technology
Eric joins Brandon again this time to talk about the RHEL 9 release.
51: Giving What We Can
May 12th, 2022 | 18 mins 42 secs
business, enterprise, linux, open source, opensource, software, technology
Brandon discusses his point of view on the subject of open source sustainablity and proposes we "give what we can" to open source projects we use and get value from.
50: Careers 2 - Tech Marketing with Eric
April 28th, 2022 | 52 mins 58 secs
brandon johnson, career, cloud, cloud native, devops, enterprise, itguyeric, open source, open-tech, red hat, sudo show, technology
Eric comes back to the Sudo Show to talk about how he got to Technical Marketing and offers advice to those interested in the marketing field but want to stay technical.
49: Interview with Cycloid
April 14th, 2022 | 45 mins 39 secs
brandon johnson, career, cloud, cloud costs, cloud native, cycloid, devops, devx, enterprise, gitops, infrastructure costs, itguyeric, open source, open-tech, red hat, sudo show, technology, terraform
Brandon sits down with Benjamin Brial to talk about Cycloid and the problems with DevOps